Enjoy Trade Protection
From Payment-to-Delivery
How we protect your purchases on Papaexport.com
Trade Assurance makes it easier and safer for both buyers and suppliers to do business globally. Here is how it works?
Connect with verified Supplier
Search product and connect with top ranking verified supplier
Start Trade Protection order
You reach an order agreement with a supplier on Papaexport.com
Pay through Papaexport.com
Check out with an online payment method or make a wire transfer via Papaexport.com
Product Monitoring & Inspection
You get the product monitoring on you every order on Papaexport.com and first inspection report to ensure quality assurance.
Payment held with Papaexport.com
Your payment is held with Papaexport.com and release to the supplier only after product inspection.
Get money back if order terms are not met
We will assist you in reaching a resolution, including refunds or compensation for order issues.
What is covered
Trade Protection covers every stage of your purchasing journey
Payment Protection
Payment done by buyer is held with Papaexport.com and will be released to supplier after the production complete and Product move to Papaexport assigned warehouse and first inspection. To protect your payment, never pay outside of the platform.
Diverse ways to pay Pay with credit/debit cards, PayPal, and more through our online checkout. You can also make bank-to-bank wire transfers using the official bank information provided by Papaexport.com
Flexible financing Use any of the payment methods and currencies available to make an initial payment and settle the remaining balance after production complete. deferred payment service
*Payment Terms: 30/60 Days is only available for select buyers. First-time users must apply and get credit amount approval. For more detail email at finance@papaexport.com
Product Monitoring and Inspection Services
Provides ongoing tracking and reporting of production progress.
- Keep up-to-date on production
- Reduce risk of order delays
- In first inspection, view product details before shipment
- Papaexport Service Team Report Template:
- Monitoring
- Call to confirm production status
- Periodic status updates
- Quantity check
- Samples carton visual check
- Packaging, shipping mark and inner carton marking checks
USD 175
Independently conducted by professional third-party service providers managed by Papaexport.com. Our partners' independent Professional Inspector visits the manufacturing facilities and randomly checks products against order specifications.
- Check for product conformity
- Reduce risk of quality issues
- Enjoy Papaexport's lower price
- Papaexport Service Team Inspection Details:
- Product conformity check
- Random checks against order specifications
- Final packaging inspection
logistics Services
Search with ease
simply browse, compare and select the logistics services provider. And get quotes at your convenience.
Choose from diverse options
Find customizable logistics solutions from verified service providers
Manage with Confidence
Manage your shipments with confidence via online visibility, secure payment, and order tracking in eligible countries.
Receive dedicated support
Experience 24/7 assistance and support from Papaexport.com logistics experts who are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction.
Money back policy
Refund Policy
Claim full refund in case order not shipped and we will also assist you in reaching a resolution, including refunds or compensation for order issues.